Participating in the Salone del Mobile means immersing yourself in a world of suggestions that push you to broaden your gaze towards the future and get involved in new ways.
We at Morica are thrilled to have participated in this year’s edition as exhibitors of the Fuori Salone at the headquarters of Archiproducts Milano in via Tortona 31 - the exhibition will remain open until May 2023.
Our experience at the Fuori Salone has been extraordinarily rich and exciting, not only because it has allowed us to collect the compliments and feedback of the many visitors who have admired our products in rooms 5 and 6 of the exhibition, but also because the days spent in Milan have allowed us to capture many new stimuli, to decline according to our style and our philosophy in the coming months.

Here are some of the most significant trends that we have had the opportunity to experience during our stay at the Fuori Salone.
Watchword: eco-sustainability
In this Salone del Mobile there could be no other pole star than this. The reasons for the growing attention of brands and producers for the sustainability of what they produce are many, and if for some time it was evident a growth of attention in this sense, today responsibility for the environment has become a cornerstone of everyone’s work.
Eco-sustainability was therefore the real protagonist of this MDW22, and has characterized all aspects of the event. The stands were set up with particular attention to the use of sustainable, recycled or reusable materials, the choice of raw materials was guided by a particular focus on environmental protection and - at every level - all the brands present were aware of the importance of "closing the circle" and offer the market truly sustainable products throughout their life cycle.
This radical trend has not remained limited to the world of design, but has ranged in multiple areas, involving both the textile industry and that of mobility (as in the new models of electric cars presented by Hyundai). In every area we could discover many proposals to imagine a greener future thanks to the use of recycled materials, a greater attention to the reduction of emissions in the production phase and a design that focuses on the possible reuse of each product.
Solid wood
Real wood is back: after years in which, especially in the kitchen sector, we have witnessed the triumph of aluminium, soft-touch coverings, lacquers and other technical materials, wood today lives its return in style. This recovery of the natural raw material par excellence - already perceptible for some time in the world of furnishing accessories - arrives with great decision also in the kitchen sector, where wood is widely used also in details that traditionally were not made of this material. Great emphasis is placed on the effects of grain, just to enhance the peculiarities of the "living" material of wood. Morica is fully in this trend, thanks to its furniture and furnishing accessories made entirely of FSC® Chain of Custody certified wood, obtained from trees from sustainable forests.
Printed glass
A new horizon for printed glass: another trend that has involved many exhibitors and brands is the massive replacement of marble with alternative solutions based on the use of printed glass. This trend is dictated, once again, by reasons of eco-sustainability, since the extraction of marble has a significant impact on the ecosystem and the landscape, while glass is the only material that can be 100% recycled without this affecting in any way its quality or its aesthetic or physical characteristics. Added to this is the need to identify solutions that ensure greater uniformity from an aesthetic point of view and that are easier to manage by the end user. Marble has been replaced, until now, especially by ceramics, but at the Salone we were able to grasp a decisive shift in the direction of printed glass and its great potential.
For Morica, which has always made the eco-sustainability of products, processes and raw materials its distinctive feature, the renewed and increasingly strong attention to this issue represents a great incentive to continue to operate in this direction, to find new solutions that combine attention to nature, quality and beauty Made in Italy.
In addition to these new trends that are becoming increasingly popular, we have been able to see the persistence of some elements that have been part of our industry for some time: think, for example, of the abundant use of "cannettati" effects. It is no coincidence that the Canette sideboard by Morica, present in room 5 of Archiproducts Milano, was one of the most photographed elements of our Fuori Salone.

At the same time, a huge attention to the use of "noble" materials for the world of weaving persists, to confirm once again the relationship of continuous dialogue and exchange between the universe of fashion and the world of design: the use of materials such as faux leather has experienced a bending, to leave room for silk, fabrics in bamboo fibers or 100% wool, as in the case of the Sumo pouffe, made of bouclé wool.